Where to do a Private Wine Tasting Tour near Barcelona?
Our Private wine tour near Barcelona is a very special private tour from Barcelona, for any kind of group.
With this private wine tour, you can join with your couple, having a very romantic lunch or dinner between the vineyards.
Coming with friends or family is also fantastic because you are alone in the middle of the vineyards, you will not bother anyone and you will be calm with your friends and family.
One of the Tapas that you taste on this private wine tour is Tortilla de Patata. Lots of our clients are asking us for the receipt to make it when they arrive home. For this reason, we want to share with all of you the Spanish Omelette receipt

Tortilla de patata (Spanish potato omelette) is a classic Spanish dish served either hot or cold for breakfast, as a main course or in Spain, as a tapas bar snack, cut into small pieces or wedged between chunks of fresh bread as a filling in a “bocadillo”. It is delicious, very filling and perhaps a little fattening! Here is a simple recipe to make this tasty, traditional Spanish dish.
5 eggs
1 kg potatoes
extra virgin olive oil
1 onion (optional)
1. Peel and wash the potatoes and cut into thin slices. Heat enough oil in a frying pan and add the potatoes and a little salt. If you are adding onion, add it after the potatoes. The heat shouldn’t be too high, so that the potatoes and onions are cooked to perfection
2. When they start to turn golden move them away (from the heat), put them in a large colander. To avoid excess oil put them on a plate with absorbent paper. Meanwhile, beat the eggs and add the potatoes, mix well and add the salt.
3. Heat the frying pan again with two spoonfuls of oil to cover the bottom of the pan. Add the mixture of egg and potatoes and lower the heat. Move with circular movements so that the omelette doesn’t stick to the bottom of the frying pan.
4. When it starts to make bubbles this is because it has set, and that is when to turn it over. Use a flat plate, but you can use a straight edged lid. If necessary, put a little more oil into the frying pan before gently sliding the omelette from the plate to the frying pan, and move around again with circular movements. So that it sets well, turn it over a couple more times. Leave it to cool for five minutes.