Visit Barcelona

Catalonia, spectacular trip in 4 minutes



Are you thinking about visiting Catalonia and Barcelona?

Read this post and decided your final destination for your holidays!!


Oliver Astrologo, the producer of a  spectacular video where he proposes a trip through Catalonia in just four minutes. From the forests of La Fageda d’en Jordà and Pedraforca to the Costa Brava, through the Sagrada Familia, the Castellers, the video shows a unique Catalonia, with a very particular focus.


Like this beggins the explication of Oliver Astrologo:


“As soon as I put my feet in  Catalonia I knew I had found a place I did not want to leave,  famous because of Barcelona and the sandy beaches, Catalonia  goes further and surprises you with its nature and  culture , which includes art, architecture, gastronomy and popular culture.”


In the video, the following locations appear: Barcelona; Blanes. Cadaqués Sant Pere de Rodes and Port de la Selva, on the Costa Brava; Besalú, San Pablo, La Fageda and iris del Cuervo in la Garrotxa; Vall de Núria, in the Ripollès; the Pedraforca el Berguedà; San Lorenzo de Morunys el Solsonès; the Congost de Mont-rebei, Montsec and Àger, Lleida; San Carlos de la Rápita and Deltebre in the Lands of the Ebro; Siurana; Tarragona; Montserrat, in the Bages; La Foradada, Cantonigròs, Rupit and Tavertet in Osona; City of Girona and Figueres.


Barcelona Discovery, gives you the opportunity to explore Catalonia as Oliver Astrologo views us in his video.Try our tours and enjoy Catalunya as a local.



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